When the Rivers Run Dry

When the Rivers Run Dry by Fred Pearce (2007).

 This book addresses the issue that many scientists expect to be the cause of future world conflicts. The world is running out of water, it is as simple as that. But, how can this be? The Earth is covered in water. Yes, but not water drinkable to humans.

How we use water is the main problem. Incredible amounts of water go into food production and clothing production. Pearce tells us that 11,000 litres are needed to produce the patty used in a McDonald’s Quarter-Pounder. The environmental cost of water use needs to be factored into the price of clothing, food, and drinking water. 

 The world’s governments must stop focusing on the money aspect of water and instead look at the best interests of the world’s rivers, wetlands, aquifers, and people! Deteriorating municipal water systems waste our water and investments need to be made to fix the potable water leaking into the ground. Pearce tells us that in some cities as much as 40% of a city’s potable water is wasted due to leaks. We need to return to the traditional methods of living in harmony with the world’s rivers rather than attempting to control them through dams and man-made irrigation channels.

The situation with water is intense, and needs to be fixed as soon as possible. Pearce proposes that the ethics people have about water need to be based on managing the water cycle for maximum social benefit rather than the narrow self-interest of a few. 

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